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Filtering by Tag: miracle


Steve Harmon

My phone stopped working last night.. It just died and would not work. I tried everything to get it to work. Nothing.. Changed the battery, took out the sim card.. Hit it.. Pushed every button.. Pushed the start button over a hundred times.. Nothing.. But last night I felt the Lord tell me to keep saying "these hands are anointed".. This morning I grabbed my phone again and tried to turn it on, and nothing would happen. It was the same thing..So then I said, "These hands are anointed!" with frustration and a little worry. I pushed the button again and it turned ON!!! HA HA!! Thank you Jesus!! Right before I said that phrase that last time, in my head, I was thinking, "The evidence of faith is the mountain moving".. I use my phone to get on the internet by tethering it to my laptop.. That's how I got to write this.. Thank you Jesus!!