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Non-Boring Theology Talk


Steve Harmon

If you’re doing what is wrong, you will be persecuted. If you’re doing what is right, you will be persecuted. If you’re doing nothing, then nothing will happen to you.. Just a thought..

The point of this thought is that no matter what you do for the Lord, you will take heat, whether right or wrong. If you go against the status quo you will be persecuted. You can't avoid it. If you take the passive role and don't ruffle any feathers, then nothing will happen to you. But on that same token, nobody you influence will change. There could be the risk that if what you are saying is wrong and lead people astray. On the other side of that, what you could be saying is right and lead people out of bondage. When Jesus said that you will be persecuted on account of my name, He was meaning that if you were walking in a way that challenged the status quo, you will, not might, be a target of the people who are trying to maintain that status quo..

That's the cost of being a world changer.. You could be a Jim Jones or a Martin Luther, but don't sit back and do nothing. I believe that's the most dangerous position.