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Know Your Authority

Filtering by Tag: christ


Steve Harmon

Met up with a friend today that recently came back to the Lord last week. I showed him how to pray for the sick 2 days ago. And I taught him that the power of God lives in him so he doesn't have to wait till God gives him it, cause God already gave it to him on the cross. On my friend's third day out praying for the sick, on his own, this girl he prayed for with a broken arm got healed. He prayed the first time and she felt heat. The second time he prayed the pain was completely gone. He could not believe it. He got more excited then she did. She actually was getting scared and was freaked out. He told her that Jesus heals today and loves her. Her fear went away and she was in disbelief because the reality of God was just demonstrated for her.

The point of why me or others post a lot of these miracle stories is that we really want believers to know that they have the ability to heal the sick, cast out demons and yes, raise the dead right. The Holy Spirit lives in the believer and wants to be given an opportunity to touch people's lives. If we are willing to approach people despite the fear of rejection and failure, God will use you, guaranteed. It's my desire, and many others, to have outlets flooded with testimonies everyday from different believers all over. If it's just the same people posting their testimonies of healing and salvation every week, then the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus told us to preach is not being completely accomplished. The more that we have believers moving in THEIR authority, given by Christ, the more we are going to see the results of cities and regions being impacted by the love of God. We will see real change to our communities. These changes can't be done by only a few individuals. It needs to be done by the whole church moving in their God given authority.. Luke 9:1-2, Mark 16:17-18.