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Healing Testimonies

Healing Testimonies



Steve Harmon

Eventful day in the Kingdom. Jesus nailed this older lady's busted knee in Walmart. Now, she no longer has to worry about getting the money for the knee replacement she's been dreading. After that a guy got his migraine healed in the 99 cent store based off of a word of knowledge. He didn't even want prayer, but His dad insisted on it.. Ha!! Next, me Jesus checked out the Library. I got a word of knowledge about someone having bad lungs. I approached two guys and asked them if one of them had bad lungs and one did from smoking. What was cool is that one of the guys was a Christian from a local fear group (Deception spotting or Apologetics) that didn't believe that healing was for today. Well, his buddy got healed because his lungs cleared up and he could breath. The deception spotter was amazed and was praising Jesus and said it was a divine appointment. Look at that, Jesus killed two birds with one stone. Healed a guy and rearranged another guy's theology.

Then I approached some skaters, asked them if they had any skating injuries and then told them, "I'm hear to heal, not to preach". They said sure.. Boy got healed, told him Jesus loved him, they were shocked, I drove away.. It was a Jesus-drive-by..