Steve Harmon
This pint sized, flame thrower has been known to strike terror in the heart of pesky demons. He has no fear and no unbelief, holding him back from releasing all that God has in him. He's prayed for several people which have been healed instantly. Last week, he prayed for a 6 foot 4 inch, 240 pound, muscle man and released so much fire on him that the guy was staggering on his feet and almost went down.
One story he has was when he walked into his living room and saw four demons.. He said, "Get outa ma business devil, in name a Jesus!". The demons ran in fear and then fell into the floor.. It reminds of a baby rattle snake. They say the baby rattle snakes are more dangerous than the adults because they release all their venom. The don't have anything regulating the amount of venom released. With Children they don't have hardly any unbelief on their end preventing the limited release of the power of God onto a situation like us adults do. "And (Jesus) said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Matt 18:3