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Filtering by Tag: old age


Steve Harmon

I went and prayed for my friend who's 93 years old. She has trouble with her eyes in which she can't see a lot of light so she has to keep everything dark and plus, her legs are bad and weak. She had surgery two weeks before on her eyes. I prayed for her on Thursday last week for an hour. I anointed her with oil and after about 2 minutes of praying the pain left the right side of her head and was only hurting on the left. I commanded the spirit of infirmity to leave. All of a sudden, the pain moved from her head to her Jaw. I knew that it was demonic trauma, even though she had surgery. The idea came into my head to tell the demon to leave out of her left arm so I commanded it to do that. I told the pain to go from the jaw to the shoulder and it did.

Then I told the pain to go from the shoulder to the elbow, and it did. Then to the hand. She could feel pain in the palm of her hand. Then I told it to leave out of her fingers, and it did. She felt it leave. There were several demonic infirmities on or in her head, I'm not exactly sure. I kept telling them all to leave through her arm and they did, 4 times. She actually saw one of the demons leave and described it of being ugly and having only one eye. I opened up the blinds and the light wasn't bothering her and the pain had completely left.

The next week, I prayed for her legs.. She started feeling tingling all through them. I had her start walking around the apartment. They got so strong she started dancing. So I started dancing with her.. 93 years old and she's dancing all over her room. She came with me to church that night and before that, had been confined to her apartment for a month.

Just because we are old doesn't mean we have to die from a disease.. God can just take you in your sleep. I once heard of this story of a 103 year old woman with cancer who had people from her church pray for her several times a week. They contended and she got healed, lived 18 more months and then died peacefully in her sleep.. lol.. Who says that when you're old you have to suffer?? God didn't..