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Love in action


Steve Harmon

We got to do our spiritual readings/ dream interpretation at Spiritual Healing clinic. They set us up in a room and we got to give out prophetic words to several people. One girl in particular told us that she had been on her spiritual journey. She told us all how she's progressed. Then she caught me by surprise by telling us that her medium was Jesus. I was like, "YEAH!" on the inside. We then told her that our medium was Jesus. She let out this sigh of great relief because she thought it was a sign that she was on her right path.

This girl had never been churched. Nobody taught her anything about Jesus or how to worship, pray, etc.. God had been invading this girl’s life, just like how He invaded Abraham's life and Job and others in scripture who never had outside influence from the bible or missionaries. Jesus had been showing up to her through visions. It was amazing hearing her describe the nature of Jesus. It was exactly the way you find Him in scripture and our experiences. She talked about Him being funny and comforting. The best part was when she talked about seeing His eyes. She described them the same way many others do that have seen them. She said they were full of compassion and that they arrest you with love.

I then told her how she could know him better. I asked if she had a bible. She had one but never read it. She didn’t know that she could understand more about Him through it. I was shocked.. I told her to not read the bible from beginning to end. I told her to read the book of John and then Luke and said that they were biographies of Jesus. She got really excited hearing all that and she left giddy. I can’t tell you how rewarding that was.. To me it was better than even seeing a healing, and I love watching God heal and will never minimize that. It was amazing. And what I got from that was something I always believed. God reaches people all over the world through dreams, visions and encounters. I believe this girl is a product of somebody praying for her. Maybe God put it on some believer’s heart to pray for her to have an encounter passing by her in the grocery store. Our prayers are having an effect on people, but we don’t see the manifestation of them most of the time. I believe that the reason of why thousands of Muslims are have visions and dreams in the middle east of Jesus is because of Christians who have been praying for them in places missionaries can’t go.. The point of what we are to do as missionaries is to give the people a completed picture and message of Jesus. We are to interpret their dreams and release the Holy Spirit on them or in them, just like Paul who met the believers who were saved through John’s baptism, but did not know there was a Holy Spirit. Paul lays hands on them and they start speaking in tongues..

I so love what God is doing right now!! He’s sending His believers out of the four walls and into the no-go areas. The areas where the church thought was impossible to have breakthrough..


Steve Harmon

I met a homeless guy who stopped me. We talked a bit and he said he prayed a half hour before for God to send him somebody. He was sitting out in front of the chapel of awareness, a spiritualist church. This guy was drunk and quoting scripture to me. Normally I don't do this, but I felt like the Lord was wanting me to press the issue he had with the alcohol. I kept telling him that the bottle right next to him was the thing causing him grief and pain. He would deny it and said he only drinks as a past time.

I would look directly in his eyes and tell him "God loves you". He would respond with, "I already know that". I repeated myself several times. Then he would stop responding and listen to what I was saying. He would start crying for a bit, then go back to talking. During this time he took 4 sips from his container of alcohol. I said to him, "Allan! That bottle is the reason why you have no place to sleep at night! That bottle is the reason the cops harass you! That bottle is the reason you have no relationships in your life!" He took another sip of his bottle and then threw it and started crying. I began praying over him. With snot, tears and alcohol all over him, I gave him a hug. He felt God's presence and said he hadn't felt it for years.

He admitted that he needs to stop and let God be Lord of his life. After I prayed for him, he checked out his hand. He had a broken bone in his left hand that was floating. He started touching it and it was not moving because it mended back together and there was no pain. He couldn't believe it. For the next ten minutes he kept feeling his hand saying, "It's not moving. It's not moving." I told him to thank Jesus. He lifted up his hands and said, "Thank you Jesus, Jehovah, Yeshua, God! And then looked down at his hand again and said, "It's not moving. It's not moving."


Steve Harmon

Me and Brittny went to a spiritual awareness church to minister the love of Christ. We sat through the whole thing and then hung out with some of the people afterwards. The service was one of the most boring things I've ever been in. I'm not trying to sound insulting, but it was extremely religious and structured. Afterwards I got a word of knowledge for a young guy who had something wrong with his right leg. He was blown away that I knew it. He let me pray for him and got healed. I also felt that his back was bad too. His leg grew out and back got healed. Then his shoulder and neck got healed. This guy had a necklace with a pentagram and another necklace with the name "Jesus" in cursive writing.. He let me pray and prophecy over him using the name of Jesus.  He said, "I've never met anyone like you. You don't want any money for what you do and you heal on the spot. That's crazy!"

Also, another woman there saw the guy get healed and wanted me to pray over her. We did and she felt a surge of power that she never felt before. I mentioned to her about that power and attributed it to Jesus. She had never felt anything like that before and wanted to know more, so we talked a while and got to sow some seeds.

It's so awesome to see God turning the spiritualist community upside-down. All we do is go into their community with massive amounts of love and using our spiritual gifts. These people are really turning an eye towards Jesus, which they would have never done using the the traditional evangelistic way. They do not like fundamental Christianity, but they don't object to Jesus. We've seen so many results and positive feedback. It's a harvest field ready to burst.. Instead of trying to pull them into our churches to know Jesus, we're bringing Him into their church.. The Kingdom of God is advancing all over, not regressing..


Steve Harmon

One case in particular was when God gave me a word of knowledge and showed me that diabetes had something to do with this guy and that specifically he needed to reduce his sugar intake. I was a little nervous to tell him that. I asked him if He had diabetes and he said no, but he said his mom had it as well as his dad. I told him that the Lord showed me that he needed to stop eating so much sugar. He said that morning, he had a strong conviction to reduce his sugar because he eats desserts all the time. Not only that, his wife told him the day before and according to him, eating sweets in excess had actually become a problem in the last few years.

Sometimes the demonic is not always the direct cause of our illness and God wants us to use wisdom on how we eat. But on the same token, the enemy can put a craving in us to operate in excess, which seemed to be the case with this guy.


Steve Harmon

In Ocean Beach, Me, Brittny, Jessica, and Brian met up to do a creative expressions session, but it turned out that Jesus had other plans. Jessica had pulled some people off the street. One was a spiritualist or "seeker", and the others were 3 Christians who were out doing street evangelism (the non-power kind). We talked to them about the power of God, then asked if any needed healing. The Christians that were there really wanted to move in the power of God. The seeker needed back healing so I had one of those Christians come over and pray for her back. We prayed twice and the back was healed and leg grew out. Then one of the Christians had a short leg. We had another one of the 3 Christians command her leg to grow. Then He prayed for carpal tunnel. These 3 were getting so excited about watching the power of God move through them. We showed them that the power of God has always been in them, but had not had a chance to really be demonstrated. They left edified, consoled and empowered.

All in all, we prophesied over them and Jessica and brian were on it with pinpoint prophecies. They were hittin' the nail on the head. Tears were fallin' and hearts were healin'. Me and brittny gave some powerful words that confirmed things that God had been previously speaking to them. What was cool is that the spiritualist was really impacted by everything. She loved it and said she's coming back!! We prayed over her and she felt incredible peace that only Jesus can bring..


Steve Harmon

A few years back on a mission trip to Indonesia, towards the end of our trip we stopped at a Hindu Holy site named Batu Caves in Malaysia. Walking in I felt the peace of the Lord on me. We saw a Sadhu giving out blessings. You could tell that this guy was definitely under a demonic influence. I've seen Sadhu's before and they didn't act like him. People were coming up to him to get a blessing. He would do some sort of gesture over them and touch their head with this powder. One kid came up and he grabbed him by the head and started licking this kid's hair. I thought to myself, "This guy is giving out blessings, maybe I should return the favor." So I did and got in line.

As I got closer in line, nobody got in line behind me because I was a foreigner. A crowd started forming because they wanted to see what might happen. Right before our interaction, the Lord gave me a picture of a small heart growing larger, quickly. It reminded me of the Grinch when his small heart grew big in the cartoon, "When the Grinch stole Christmas." When we came face to face I said to his translators, "Tell him that his heart is this big (Gesturing with my hands of the size), but God is going to make it this big." They looked confused and so did the Sadhu. Suddenly I put my hand on his shoulder and started praying in tongues. When I took my hand off him he went into some demonic trance because his right arm literary went up and he froze (As you can see in the picture). He stayed in that trance-like state for about 10 seconds. I started prophesying over him in English that he would become a prophet for the Lord and would have a life changing encounter with Jesus a month from that point.

After that, the Sadhu came out of the trance, then took the powder and touched my head. Nothing happened to me. I believed that greater is He who is in me then he was in him. The Glory on me would jump on to him if he touched me. Right after that, I left. Just then, a Hindu guy from Pakistan, who came to visit the cave on a pilgrimage asked me to bless him. My team and I crowded around him and we all started laying hands on him, praying and prophesying. I told him the reason why he was to come to the caves was to encounter Jesus. The guy started crying and tears fell down his face. I hugged him and then a young Hindu girl asked for a blessing. We prayed and prophesied over her as well. When we were done a radical Hindu came up to me who was furious. He said, "What are you guys doing? You can't be doing this. It's illegal." I said, "He was giving out blessing so I wanted to bless him." He walked away in a huff and when he walked by my friends he said "Down with the west!" It was a great time. We brought Jesus into the enemies territory and we let Him do what He does best.. Love people.