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Steve Harmon

A while back, when I hardly knew anything about deliverance, me and a friend of mine were hanging out and we saw this woman at a park crying. She was Spanish speaking and spoke little English. We asked if we could pray for her and she accepted. We commanded the spirit of infirmity to leave and when that happened, she manifested a demon. The demon began to mock us and the woman fell to the ground on all fours. It started to choke her and we commanded it to stop and it did. She couldn't accept that God loved her. People were walking by and staring. A grounds crew asked if everything was okay. We told them, "We're just praying. No big deal." lol.. We were trying to keep it tame and keep people from noticing.

I began speaking in tongues. All of a sudden, her eyes were big and the demon was looking up in the sky at something and you could see the demon was scared. It was seeing some angels and was freaking out the entire time I was praying in tongues. In the end, some of the demons left and she could admit that God loved her. My friend gave her his phone number. She talked to him and asked him a question. She asked, "What language was that guy speaking in?" He told her, "In was tongues. What did you hear him say?" She said, "He was telling them to get out, over and over. I could understand every word he was saying."

Tongues are an effective tool. It's not just words you are saying. It's words with a legitimate power riding on them. We neglect tongues a lot in the body of Christ because it may sound like gibberish. But I've seen it be greatly effective in times of ministry and personal ministry. God gave us this amazing tool. Let's start using it more.